Care/i tutte/i, ricordo l'appuntamento per il Colloquium di Dipartimento di domani pomeriggio.
Un saluto,
------------------------------------------------------ Venerdì 19 Gennaio alle ore 16:30 in Aula Magna si terrà un Colloquium di dipartimento, tenuto dal Prof. Jeremy Gray, sul tema: Jesse Douglas, minimal surfaces, and the first Fields Medal. Di seguito l’abstract dell’intervento. Alle ore 16:00, in atrio, sarà offerto un piccolo coffee break.
Jesse Douglas received one of the first two Fields Medals in 1936 for his work on minimal surfaces. He was the first person to solve the Plateau problem for discs spanning an arbitrary contour, and to generalise the problem successfully to surfaces of arbitrary topological type. Yet his work provoked long-running and painful battles with Tibor Radó and Richard Courant, and today it is not easy to find out what Douglas actually did, or much about his life.
------------------------------------------------ Associate Professor of History of Mathematics Dipartimento di Matematica Università di Pisa Largo B. Pontecorvo, 5 56127 Pisa
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