>>> English version below! <<<
Carə tuttə,
A partire da aprile, ricominciano i seminari MAP!
Vi annuncio il prossimo seminario MAP:
-->Speaker: Jeremy Mirmina (Università di Pisa)
-->Titolo: The Bourgain Subset of Baire-1
Functions and Descriptive Set Theory
-->Abstract: Given a Banach space X, a functional in X** is said to be
Baire-1 if it is the pointwise limit of a bounded sequence of X. The study of the properties of the set of Baire-1 functions, denoted as B1, provides us with valuable information about the structure and the geometry of the space. In this talk, we investigate
the properties of the Bourgain set B11, which is the set of Baire-1 functions that are pointwise limits of sequences whose linear span does not contain l1. In particular, we study the family of separable Banach spaces for which the inclusion B11 ⊂ B1 is strict
from the Descriptive Set Theory point of view.
Ricordiamo che questi seminari sono aperti a tuttə: la prima metà del seminario introduce i concetti e gli strumenti
necessari per la seconda metà, dedicata agli argomenti di ricerca.
Per altre informazioni, visitate il nostro sito:
A presto,
Gli organizzatori:
Daniele Barbera
Mario Rastrelli
Leonardo Roveri
Luciano Sciaraffia
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>>> English Version <<<
Dear all,
MAP seminar will be back on April!
Here the announcement to the next MAP seminar:
-->Speaker: Jeremy Mirmina (Università
di Pisa)
-->Title: The Bourgain
Subset of Baire-1 Functions and Descriptive Set Theory
-->Abstract: Given
a Banach space X, a functional in X** is said to be Baire-1 if it is the pointwise limit of a bounded sequence of X. The study of the properties of the set of Baire-1 functions, denoted as B1, provides us with valuable information about the structure and the
geometry of the space. In this talk, we investigate the properties of the Bourgain set B11, which is the set of Baire-1 functions that are pointwise limits of sequences whose linear span does not contain l1. In particular, we study the family of separable
Banach spaces for which the inclusion B11 ⊂ B1 is strict from the Descriptive Set Theory point of view.
We remind that these seminars are addressed to everybody: the first half of the seminar is dedicated to the introduction
of notions and tools needed in the second half, which is focused
on research topics.