vi scrivo per segnalarvi l'attività dello Scholar Rescue Fund, che aiuta a fornire borse di studio e posizioni temporanee per ricercatori la cui attività è minacciata nel Paese di origine.
Il messaggio che trovate qui sotto pubblicizza un seminario online sul funzionamento di questa iniziativa e indica come reperire ulteriori informazioni.
Cordiali saluti,
Paola Boito
siamo lieti di condividere l’invito ad
un webinar dedicato all'introduzione dello Scholar Rescue Fund
(IIE-SRF) dell'Institute of International Education.
IIE-SRF fornisce borse di studio per
studiosi affermati le cui vite e lavoro sono minacciati nei
loro paesi d'origine e collabora con istituti di istruzione
superiore che ospitano questi studiosi per posizioni
accademiche di un anno, anche attraverso meccanismi di
Informazioni più dettagliate sono
disponibili sul
sito di IIE-SRF, nella sezione FAQ page e nel
riepilogo del programma e del pacchetto di borse in coda alla
Il webinar, organizzato dalla rete
SAR Scholars at risk – Italia di cui Università di Pisa
aderisce sin dalla sua costituzione, si terrà il 28 April 2023
(15.00-16.00 CET).
Per partecipare è necessario
registrarsi, entro il 27 Aprile, al seguente link
Un cordiale saluto
Francesca Bianchini, PhD
International Cooperation Unit
International Cooperation
Circle U. European University Alliance
Per conto di Claudia Padovani
Inviato: mercoledì 19 aprile 2023 17:05
A: scholarsatrisk-italy@list.comunicazione.unitn.it
Cc: Viviana Nosilia
Oggetto: Webinar per conoscere IIE-SRF e le
attività di sostegno e co-finanziamento dell'ospitalità di
studiosi/e a rischio - Preghiamo di far circolare l'invito
nei vostri Atenei, anche presso i Dipartimenti e gli
uffici amministrativi
Dear SAR Italy members
it is a pleasure to invite you to a webinar dedicated
to introducing the Institute of International Education’s
Scholar Rescue Fund (IIE-SRF). IIE-SRF
provides fellowships for established scholars whose lives and
work are threatened in their home countries, and partners with
higher education institutions who host these scholars for
one-year academic positions. We at the University of Padova
have collaborated with IIE-SRF since 2017, and had the
opportunity to value the collaboration, based on sharing of
experience, support in identifying scholars in need of
protection and co-funding mechanisms. To date, IIE-SRF has
worked with more than 150 European institutions, including 7
in Italy. Recently, they established a European office and are
interested in expanding their service and support to
universities in the region, including through co-funding
Emily Borzcik will
meet the SAR Italy network in an online meeting on April
28, 2023 (15.00-16.00 CET).
shall learn about IIE-SRF and its ways of operating and we
shall also share the hosting experience at SPGI Department
in Padova. To participate, please register (by April 27)
are all welcome to join the webinar, and we warmly invite you
share this invite with the Departments at your university,
as well as with administrative staff both at central and
departmental level. As the collaboration implies very
practical aspects, this webinar can be a great opportunity to
learn the what, and how to in view of more extended and better
hospitality of at-risk scholars
In advance of the webinar, you can read more
about IIE-SRF on their
website. The
FAQ page provides a lot of helpful information. In
addition, the below summary of the program and the
fellowship package may be helpful.
Speriamo di vedervi numerose/i
Claudia Padovani, per il Coordinamento di SAR
The Institute of International Education’s
Scholar Rescue Fund (IIE-SRF) is the only global program
that arranges, funds, and supports fellowships for
threatened and displaced scholars at higher education
institutions worldwide. IIE-SRF selects outstanding
professors, researchers, and public intellectuals for
fellowship support and arranges yearlong visiting academic
positions with partnering higher education institutions.
Since 2002, IIE-SRF has assisted
more than 1,000 scholars from 62 countries, placing them in temporary
positions at over 450 host partner institutions in 55 countries.
The IIE-SRF Fellowship Package
IIE-SRF fellowships are typically renewable
for a second and final year. The full package includes:
Institution Responsibilities
IIE-SRF fellowship appointments depend on the generosity and
commitment of invaluable partners at universities and other
higher learning institutions.
While each fellow and each appointment are different,
IIE-SRF hosts typically offer the following support:
- University of Padova
del Santo 28 - 35123 Padova
+ 39.049.8274029