Dear all,
We would like to remind you that the today's MAP seminar will be at 11:30 in Aula Riunioni.
You can also attend the seminar online:

See you soon,
The organizers

Il lun 18 nov 2024, 12:18 Jeremy Mirmina <> ha scritto:
Dear all,

Here is the announcement of the next MAP seminar.

⟶ Speaker: Marco Bagnara (Scuola Normale Superiore)

⟶ Thursday 21st November, at 11:30 in Aula Riunioni

⟶ Title: Anomalous Regularization in Kazantsev-Kraichnan Model

⟶ AbstractWe investigate a passive vector field which is transported and stretched by a divergence-free Gaussian velocity field, delta-correlated in time and poorly correlated in space (spatially nonsmooth). Although the advection of a scalar field (Kraichnan's passive scalar model) is known to enjoy regularizing properties, the potentially competing stretching term in vector advection may induce singularity formation. We establish that the regularization effect is actually retained in certain regimes. While this is true in any dimension d ≥ 3, it notably implies a regularization result for linearized 3D Euler equations with stochastic modeling of turbulent velocities, and for the induction equation in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence.
The presentation is based on a joint work with Francesco Grotto and Mario Maurelli.

We remind you that these seminars are addressed to everybody: the first half of the seminar is dedicated to the introduction of notions and tools needed in the second half, which is focused on research topics.

See you soon,

The organizers:
Michele Caselli
Francesco Malizia
Jeremy Mirmina
Filippo Paiano
Leonardo Roveri