Logical Methods in Ramsey Theory and Related Topics
July 10 - July 11, 2023, Pisa, Italy


Dear all,

We are happy to announce that registration for the upcoming event "Logical Methods in Ramsey Theory and Related Topics", which will be held in Pisa (Italy) from July 10th to July 11th, 2023, is now open.

REGISTRATION: The deadline for registrations is ***SATURDAY, JUNE 10th***. There is no registration fee, but completing the registration form is mandatory. Students, early career researchers, and participants from disadvantaged countries can apply for support during the registration procedure. Participants traveling with young children can also apply for childcare support.
Details for the registration and grant applications can be found on the conference website.

The workshop is centered around the interplay between mathematical logic and combinatorics. Its main goals are:

 The covered topics include (but are not limited to):

Organizing Committee

Alessandro Berarducci (Università di Pisa)
Lorenzo Luperi Baglini (Università di Milano)
Rosario Mennuni (Università di Pisa)
Moreno Pierobon (Università di Pisa)
Mariaclara Ragosta (Università di Pisa)


Vieri Benci (Università di Pisa)
Lorenzo Carlucci (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Raphaël Carroy (Università di Torino)
Mirna Džamonja (CNRS - Université de Paris)
Marco Forti (Università di Pisa)
Nicola Galesi (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Isaac Goldbring (University of California, Irvine)
Karel Hrbáček (City College of New York)
Renling Jin (College of Charleston)
Steven Leth (University of Northern Colorado)
Martino Lupini (Università di Bologna)

Those who need more information can contact the organizers at: ramsey2023@cs.dm.unipi.it.

We hope to see you in Pisa!
Best regards,

The Organizers