-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Conference “Dynamics and physics in the solar system: the legacy of Paolo Farinella and Andrea Milani” Pisa (Italy) June 2024 Date: 17-10-2023 09:31 From: CMG Pisa cmg.unipisa@gmail.com To: CMG Pisa cmg.unipisa@gmail.com
Dear colleague,
we are very pleased to announce the conference “Dynamics and physics in the solar system: the legacy of Paolo Farinella and Andrea Milani” which will be organized at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Pisa (Italy), from the 18th to the 21st of June 2024. It will be an in-person meeting only.
Registration is free and it will open in November (it will be possible to register via a special form on the webpage of the conference: http://2024fm.dm.unipi.it). There will be slots available for contributed presentations, thus we invite researchers working in the field of space science to submit their abstract for contributed talks. The total capacity of the conference is around 100 people (priority will be given to attendees with an accepted contributed talk). A confirmation of acceptance of the abstract will be sent by the end of April 2024 and the list of the attendees will be published in the website.
All lunches and coffee breaks, and also the social dinner (Wednesday, June 19th) are free for registered attendees.
Prof. Paolo Farinella (1953-2000) and Prof. Andrea Milani Comparetti (1948-2018) developed outstanding research at the University of Pisa, in the field of physics and dynamics of natural and artificial celestial bodies. Their work had a deep influence in the understanding of the dynamics of the small bodies of the solar system, of the motion of planetary satellites and of the application to the exploration of planetary bodies through space missions. This conference, devoted to their memory, will bring together experts in physics and dynamics of celestial bodies, and will highlight Paolo and Andrea’s heritage into the new generation of researchers in their area of knowledge.
IMPORTANT DATES: – Registration Opening: 1 November 2023 – Registration Deadline: 31 March 2024 – Program online: 30 April 2024 – Conference: 18-21 June 2024
– Dynamics and physics of small bodies
– Dynamics of space debris
– Formation of planetary systems
– Observations of natural and artificial bodies
– Orbit determination and propagation
– Space missions and spacecraft dynamics
– Stability and long-term evolution of planetary systems
INVITED SPEAKERS: F. Bernardi, G. Bianco, W. Bottke, A. Celletti, S. Chesley, D. Davis, S. Dermott, D. Farnocchia, Z. Knezevic, J. Laskar, S. Marchi, P. Michel, F. Mignard, A. Nobili, F. Spoto, K. Tsiganis, D. Vokrouhlicky
SOC: G. Baù, A. Campo Bagatin, A. Cellino, M.C. De Sanctis, M. Di Martino, E. Dotto, G.F. Gronchi, D. Lucchesi, A. Morbidelli, P. Paolicchi, E. Perozzi, A. Rossi, G. Tommei, G.B. Valsecchi
LOC: G. Baù, M. Falletta, C. Grassi, G. Lari, M. Mochi, R. Paoli, G. Tommei
WEBSITE: http://2024fm.dm.unipi.it
CONTACT ADDRESS: cmg.unipisa@gmail.com
Feel free to forward this message to anyone who may be interested.
Best rergards,
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