English version below! <<<
Carə tuttə,
Vi annuncio il prossimo seminario MAP:
*--> Speaker:* Renato Velozo Ruiz
*--> Data:* Giovedì 20 luglio, ore 15:00
*--> Dove:* Aula Seminari del Dipartimento di Matematica (Pisa) e Online su Gmeet:
Renato Velozo Ruiz (seminarimap.wixsite.com) https://seminarimap.wixsite.com/seminarimap/articoli/renato-velozo-ruiz
*--> Titolo:* Stability of dispersive collisionless many-particle systems
*--> Abstract:* I will discuss non-linear stability results concerning the asymptotic behavior of solutions to classical models arising in kinetic theory. Firstly, I will present classical results on the stability of vacuum for the Vlasov--Poisson system. Later, I will speak about the stability of vacuum for the Vlasov--Poisson system with an unstable trapping potential (joint work with Anibal Velozo). If time permits, I will also present a stability result for the exterior of the Schwarzschild family of black holes for the spherically symmetric Einstein--massless Vlasov system.
Ricordiamo che questi seminari sono aperti a tuttə: la prima metà del seminario introduce i concetti e gli strumenti necessari per la seconda metà, dedicata agli argomenti di ricerca.
Per altre informazioni, visitate il nostro sito: https://seminarimap.wixsite.com/seminarimap
A presto,
Gli organizzatori: Daniele Barbera Jeremy Mirmina Mario Rastrelli Leonardo Roveri Luciano Sciaraffia
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English Version <<<
Dear all,
Here the announcement of the next MAP seminar:
*--> Speaker:* Renato Velozo Ruiz
*--> Date:* Thursday 20th July, at 15:00
*--> Where:* Aula Seminari, Dipartimento di Matematica (Pisa) and Online on Gmeet:
Renato Velozo Ruiz (seminarimap.wixsite.com) https://seminarimap.wixsite.com/seminarimap/articoli/renato-velozo-ruiz
*--> Title:* Stability of dispersive collisionless many-particle systems
*--> Abstract:* I will discuss non-linear stability results concerning the asymptotic behavior of solutions to classical models arising in kinetic theory. Firstly, I will present classical results on the stability of vacuum for the Vlasov--Poisson system. Later, I will speak about the stability of vacuum for the Vlasov--Poisson system with an unstable trapping potential (joint work with Anibal Velozo). If time permits, I will also present a stability result for the exterior of the Schwarzschild family of black holes for the spherically symmetric Einstein--massless Vlasov system.
We remind that these seminars are addressed to everybody: the first half of the seminar is dedicated to the introduction of notions and tools needed in the second half, which is focused on research topics.
For more information, check our website:
See you soon,
The organizers: Daniele Barbera Jeremy Mirmina Mario Rastrelli Leonardo Roveri Luciano Sciaraffia
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