segnalo con colpevole ritardo il seminario di geometria di oggi,
sempre in aula seminari alle 16.
Bruno Martelli
Titolo: Relative bounded cohomology for groupoids
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Ora Inizio: 16:00
Ora Fine: 17:00
Aula: Sala Seminari (Dip. Matematica)
Relatore: Matthias Blank (Regensburg)
Bounded cohomology is a functional analytic modification of
regular cohomology, with applications to geometry, topology and
(geometric) group theory. After giving a very short introduction to
groupoids, I will present our construction of (relative) bounded
cohomology for (pairs) of groupoids. This includes a natural setting
for bounded cohomology relative to a family of subgroups. Finally, I
will discuss a relative version of Gromov's mapping Theorem in this