Riprenderemo domani mattina con i seminari settimanali di geometria, con un
orario nuovo: giovedì alle 11.00. Seguono i dati sul seminario di domani.
Mi scuso per lo scarso preavviso,
A presto,
Giovedì 17 marzo, ore 11.00
Aula seminari
Speaker: Roberto Frigerio
Titolo: Discrete approximations of Gromov's simplicial volume.
Abstract: The simplicial volume is a homotopy invariant of closed manifolds
defined by Gromov in 1982. For a manifold M, it is bounded from above by
the minimal number of top-dimensional simplices in a triangulation of M,
and roughly speaking it measures the minimal size of triangulations of M
"with real coefficients". A long-standing conjecture by Gromov asserts
that, for aspherical manifolds, the vanishing of the simplicial volume
implies the vanishing of the Euler characteristis. In this talk I describe
an approach to this conjecture that makes use of discrete approximations of
the simplicial volume in towers of coverings.