ricordo a tutti che mercoledì 18 maggio alle ore 15 nell'aula seminari
del dipartimento di matematica la prof.ssa Cornelia Drutu (Università di
Oxford) terrà un seminario dal titolo:
Random groups and strong versions of Kazhdan's property (T)
Kazhdan's property (T) is a strong negation of amenability, relevant in
the study of algebraic properties of groups, in the construction of
expander graphs, in dynamics and in connection to the Baum-Connes
conjectures. Various strengthened versions of property (T) have been
formulated in recent years.
Among them, those involving actions on Lp spaces are particularly
interesting, because of their presumed connection to the conformal
dimension of the boundary of hyperbolic groups, because they manage to
achieve a separation between rank one and higher rank lattices, and
because of the increasing role that they play in operator algebras. In
this talk I shall explain how random groups, both in the triangular
model and in the Gromov model, eventually have all the strengthened
Lp-versions of property (T). This is joint work
with J. Mackay.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Roberto Frigerio