Sempre per le borse post-doc a Madrid, qui è il link corretto.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Javier Aramayona <javier.aramayona(a)>
Date: Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 12:58 AM
Subject: Fwd: Postdoctoral fellowships in Madrid - valid link
To: javier.aramayona(a)
Dear all,
The link I sent yesterday is broken. See:
Go to "open call 2018" and then click on "date de alta" (register).
Enter your details to register with the system.
Sorry about the confusion and the multiple emails.
Vi giro una mail su delle borse post-doc interessanti a Madrid. Si tratta
di "Teoria dei Gruppi" ma visti i nomi è da intendersi in senso molto
geometrico/topologico, quindi molti geometri potrebbero partecipare.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Javier Aramayona <javier.aramayona(a)>
Date: Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 5:18 AM
Subject: Postdoctoral felloships in Madrid
To: javier.aramayona(a)
Dear all,
The "la Caixa" Foundation has recently advertised a call for 20
postdoctoral fellowships in various areas, including mathematics. The
details of the call (in English) can be found at:
The relevant scheme (Incoming Programme) is open to researchers who
obtained their Ph.D. at some point between 2 October 2011 and 2 October
2014. The fellowships are of 3 years duration, with a competitive salary,
and a generous travel grant.
The selection process will be carried out by an external panel of experts,
and we expect it will be extremely competitve. We encourage young
researchers with interests in the general area of group theory to submit an
application. If selected, the applicant would join the Group Theory group
at UAM-ICMAT, consisting of:
Andrei Jaikin (andrei.jaikin(a) : asymptotic group theory,
profinite groups, L2 invariants.
Javier Aramayona (javier.aramayona(a) : mapping class groups,
curves on surfaces, Teichmüller spaces.
Yago Antolín (yago.antolin(a) : geometric and combinatorial group
theory, formal languages in finitely-generated groups.
We would be grateful if you could forward this information to any
interested candidates. Candidates should apply using the online application
system that can be found from the link above, indicating that they would
like to work within the Group Theory group at ICMAT.
Please note that the deadline is 2nd October 2017.
Thanks in advance, and best regards,
Andrei Jaikin, Javier Aramayona, Yago Antolín