Cari tutti,
ecco il programma del prossimo seminario di geometria algebrica e aritmetica di Pisa:
Mercoledì 27 ottobre 2021, Dipartimento di matematica, Aula Magna
15:00--16:00 Valerio Melani (Pisa): The Poisson structure on the affine Grassmannian via derived algebraic geometry
Motivated by a conjecture of Kapranov-Ginzburg-Vasserot, we will explain how to reinterpret the classical Poisson structure on the affine Grassmannian using tools from derived symplectic (and Poisson) geometry. Our approach is based on the study of symplectic structures on derived stacks whose cotangent complex is not perfect, and therefore uses in a crucial way the formalism of Tate modules. The talk is based on joint work with Mauro Porta and Pavel Safronov.
Homepage del seminario:
Migliori saluti,
Tamás Szamuely
Da parte di Luis Alvarez-Consul:
> ===
> Subject: Conference in honour of Oscar Garcia-Prada on the occasion of his
> 60th birthday
> Moduli spaces and geometric structures
> Conference in honour of Oscar Garcia-Prada on the occasion of his 60th
> birthday
> Dates: 12-16 September 2022
> Venue: ICMAT, Madrid, Spain
> Website:
> This conference is a celebration of the work and 60th birthday of Oscar
> Garcia-Prada. It is devoted to the theory of moduli spaces and geometric
> structures, with particular emphasis on the broad area of research
> interests of Professor Garcia-Prada.
> The event will take place at ICMAT (Madrid, Spain). Lectures will start on
> the morning of Monday 12th of September and will end on the evening of
> Friday 16th of September.
> The following speakers have confirmed their participation in the
> conference:
> Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen (QM, Univ. Southern Denmark)
> Olivier Biquard (Sorbonne & Univ. Paris)
> Indranil Biswas (TIFR, Mumbai)
> Steven Bradlow (Univ. Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
> Brian Collier (Univ. California Riverside)
> Andrew Dancer (Univ. Oxford)
> Mario García-Fernández (ICMAT–UAM Madrid)
> Peter Gothen (Univ. Porto)
> Tamás Hausel (IST Austria)
> Jochen Heinloth (Univ. Duisburg-Essen)
> Nigel Hitchin (Univ. Oxford)
> Jacques Hurtubise (McGill Univ.)
> Ignasi Mundet i Riera (Univ. Barcelona)
> Ngô Bảo Châu (Univ. Chicago) (TBC)
> André Oliveira (Univ. Porto & UTAD)
> Ana Peón-Nieto (Univ. Birmingham & Côte d'Azur)
> S. Ramanan (CMI Chennai)
> Dietmar Salamon (ETZ Zürich)
> Mariano Santander (Univ. Valladolid)
> Alexander Schmitt (FU Berlin)
> Carlos Simpson (Univ. Côte d'Azur)
> Richard Wentworth (Univ. Maryland)
> Anna Wienhard (Univ. Heidelberg)
> More information, including registration, can be found at
> Sponsors:
> ICMAT Severo Ochoa Programme
> Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain)
> We hope to see you in September in Madrid.
> The organizing committee:
> Luis Alvarez-Consul (ICMAT)
> Tomas L. Gomez (ICMAT)
Title: Mirror symmetry for generalized Kummer varieties,
Speaker(s): Justin Sawon, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA,
Date and time: 29 Jun 2022, 15:30 (Europe/Rome),
Lecture series: Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry Seminar,
Venue: Department of Mathematics (Aula Riunioni).
You can access the full event here:
The generalized Kummer variety $K_n$ of an abelian surface $A$ is the fibre of the natural map $\mathsf{Hilb}^{n+1}A\to \mathsf{Sym}^{n+1}A\to A$. Debarre described a Lagrangian fibration on $K_n$ whose fibres are the kernels of $\mathsf{Jac}C\to A$, where $C$ are curves in a fixed linear system in $A$.
In this talk we consider the dual of the Debarre system, constructed in a similar way to the duality between $\mathsf{SL}$- and $\mathsf{PGL}$-Hitchin systems described by Hausel and Thaddeus. We conjecture that these dual fibrations are mirror symmetric, in the sense that their (stringy) Hodge numbers are equal, and we verify this in a few cases. In fact, there is another isotrivial Lagrangian fibration on $K_n$. We can describe its dual fibration and verify the mirror symmetry relation in many more cases.
Indico :: Email Notifier
Title: Geometry of vertex operator algebras on moduli of curves,
Speaker(s): Nicola Tarasca, Virginia Commonwealth University,
Date and time: 29 Jun 2022, 14:30 (Europe/Rome),
Lecture series: Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry Seminar,
Venue: Department of Mathematics (Aula Riunioni).
You can access the full event here:
The physically-inspired theory of conformal blocks allows one to construct vector bundles on moduli spaces of curves with remarkable geometric and combinatorial properties. This theory uses as input the representations of some non-commutative algebras. A classical example is provided by the representations of affine Lie algebras, and the resulting vector bundles have been studied at great length in the last thirty years, yielding extraordinary insights on moduli spaces of curves. In this talk, I will present how some fundamental results of the classical theory of conformal blocks extend to the more general setting provided by replacing affine Lie algebras with vertex operator algebras. Specifically, I will discuss an extended factorization property and new cohomological field theories. This is joint work with Chiara Damiolini and Angela Gibney.
Indico :: Email Notifier
Title: TBA,
Speaker(s): Justin Sawon, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA,
Date and time: 29 Jun 2022, 15:30 (Europe/Rome),
Lecture series: Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry Seminar,
Venue: Department of Mathematics (Aula Riunioni).
You can access the full event here:
Indico :: Email Notifier
Title: Geometry of vertex operator algebras on moduli of curves,
Speaker(s): Nicola Tarasca, Virginia Commonwealth University,
Date and time: 29 Jun 2022, 14:30 (Europe/Rome),
Lecture series: Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry Seminar,
Venue: Department of Mathematics (Aula Riunioni).
You can access the full event here:
The physically-inspired theory of conformal blocks allows one to construct vector bundles on moduli spaces of curves with remarkable geometric and combinatorial properties. This theory uses as input the representations of some non-commutative algebras. A classical example is provided by the representations of affine Lie algebras, and the resulting vector bundles have been studied at great length in the last thirty years, yielding extraordinary insights on moduli spaces of curves. In this talk, I will present how some fundamental results of the classical theory of conformal blocks extend to the more general setting provided by replacing affine Lie algebras with vertex operator algebras. Specifically, I will discuss an extended factorization property and new cohomological field theories. This is joint work with Chiara Damiolini and Angela Gibney.
Indico :: Email Notifier
Annuncio da parte di Peter Dalakov:
Edging Higher - ICMS-Sofia Inaugural Conference - July 11 – 14, 2022 - Sofia, Bulgaria
In luglio vi sarà il convegno inaugurale del centro ICMS-Sofia gestito da Ludmil Katzarkov a Sofia. Tra gli speakers, vi saranno: Kontsevich, Griffiths, Fukaya, etc. Maggiori informazioni sul sito
(Sono disponibili dei fondi per supportare i partecipanti giovani.)
A presto, Francesco
*Avviso seminario*
Lunedì 6 giugno 2022 alle ore *14:00* in aula Tonelli (SNS) *Marco Volpe*,
dell'Università di Regensburg, terrà un seminario dal titolo
*Formalismo dei sei funtori e dualità di Atiyah per varietà topologiche*
Abstract: In topologia il formalismo dei sei funtori, originariamente
introdotto da Grothendieck nel contesto algebro-geometrico, consiste di un
insieme di operazioni tra categorie derivate di fasci in gruppi abeliani,
attraverso le quali è possibile dedurre le proprietà principali della
coomologia singolare, tra cui la dualità di Poincaré.
In questo talk spiegheremo come estendere il formalismo a fasci a valori in
spettri, utilizzando il linguaggio delle ∞-categorie. Come applicazione
otterremo una generalizzazione della dualità di Atiyah per sommersioni
topologiche proprie, usando una costruzione fascio-teoretica dello spettro
di Thom di un microfibrato.
Prerequisiti: Categorie triangolate, funtori aggiunti, un primo corso in
topologia algebrica, coomologia, spettri, fasci su spazi topologici.
L'impostazione del seminario sarà tale da non assumere confidenza con il
linguaggio delle ∞-categorie.
Guglielmo Nocera
Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - IRMA Strasbourg | PhD Candidate in