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Da: ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI ALTA MATEMATICA <indam(a)altamatematica.it>
Date: Mer 29 Nov 2023, 16:41
Subject: Bando di concorso Assegni di Ricerca Post dottorali INdAM
To: gnampa-aderenti(a)altamatematica.it <gnampa-aderenti(a)altamatematica.it>,
gncs-aderenti(a)altamatematica.it <gncs-aderenti(a)altamatematica.it>,
gnfm-aderenti(a)altamatematica.it <gnfm-aderenti(a)altamatematica.it>,
gnsaga-aderenti(a)altamatematica.it <gnsaga-aderenti(a)altamatematica.it>
Care Colleghe, Cari Colleghi,
alla pagina del sito dell’Istituto
è disponibile un* Bando di concorso a n. 8 assegni post dottorali di
collaborazione ad attività di* *ricerca per l'a.a. 2023-2024 *pubblicato
sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale 4a Serie Speciale – Concorsi ed Esami n. 91 del 28
novembre 2023.
Gli assegni hanno una durata *annuale e sono rinnovabili per un ulteriore
All’assegnista sarà corrisposta una somma pari a *€ 35.000 lordi annui*.
Inoltre, l’assegnista disporrà di un fondo di ricerca pari a *€* *2.500,00
netti annui*.
Al concorso possono partecipare giovani attivi nella ricerca matematica che
abbiano conseguito il titolo di dottore di ricerca o titolo equipollente o
un titolo di studio rilasciato da un’Università straniera comparabile al
titolo di dottore di ricerca dopo il 1 gennaio 2023 o che lo conseguano
entro il 31 maggio 2024.
Le domande dovranno essere presentate entro il *28 dicembre 2023*
mediante apposita modulistica elettronica predisposta all'interno del sito
WEB dell'INdAM: https://www.altamatematica.it/.
Cordiali saluti,
Giorgio Patrizio
Presidente INdAM
[image: image.png]
Carə tuttə,
Giovedì 30 Novembre alle 14.30 in Aula Seminari si terrà il seminario di James Farre (Universität Heidelberg) dal titolo "Horospheres, Lipschitz maps, and laminations". Di seguito l'abstract.
Every horocycle in a closed hyperbolic surface is dense, which was proved by Hedlund in the 1940's. We study the behavior of horocycle orbit closures in Z-covers of closed surfaces, and obtain a fairly complete classification of their topology and geometry. The main tool is a solution of a surprisingly delicate geometric optimization problem: finding an optimal Lipschitz map to the circle in a given homotopy class and the associated lamination of maximal stretch. I will explain the relationship between these two problems, and if time permits, I will give a novel construction of optimal circle valued Lipschitz maps using the orthogeodesic foliation construction. This is joint work with Yair Minsky and Or Landesberg featuring joint work with Aaron Calderon.
Ci troveremo alle 13 in atrio per andare a pranzo con James.
Le informazioni sui prossimi seminari si trovano sul sito<https://www.dm.unipi.it/categoria-evento/geometry-seminar/>.
Vi aspettiamo!
Buona giornata,
Filippo, Giovanni e Giuseppe
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Da: Federica <federica.fanoni(a)gmail.com>
Date: Ven 17 Nov 2023, 10:00
Subject: Postdoctoral position
Dear colleagues,
I am writing to advertise a postdoctoral position at the UPEC, with me as a
mentor. The contract is for a year, starting in summer/autumn 2024, with
possibility of renewal for two additional years. The deadline is January
15th. The official ad can be found here
(note that, while "experience required" is indicated to be 1 to 4 years,
students who are currently finishing their PhD are welcome to apply).
If you have any questions concerning the position, please feel free to
contact me. Do not hesitate to forward this message to any potential
Best regards,
Federica Fanoni
Da: mathlist-request(a)services.cnrs.fr <mathlist-request(a)services.cnrs.fr> per conto di Frédéric Bourgeois <mathlist(a)services.cnrs.fr>
Inviato: giovedì 16 novembre 2023 16:58
A: mathlist(a)services.cnrs.fr
Oggetto: [mathlist] Two postdoc positions in symplectic and contact topology in France
Dear colleagues,
We are writing to advertise two 1-year postdoctoral positions for Fall 2024 in symplectic/contact topology which can be held at several universities in France and are supported by ANR project COSY: https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/23873
We would be grateful if you could forward this information to anyone who might be interested.
Many thanks in advance,
Frédéric Bourgeois
(on behalf of the ANR project COSY as coordinator)
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From: Marc Lackenby <lackenby(a)maths.ox.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 12:04 PM
Subject: two postdoc positions
To: lackenby <lackenby(a)maths.ox.ac.uk>
Dear colleagues,
I would like to draw your attention to two postdoc positions in Oxford that
we are currently advertising:
The first of these is specifically in low-dimensional topology/geometry.
They are 3-year positions with a very light teaching load.
If you know of any good candidates, can you encourage them to apply. The
deadline is 24 November.
Best wishes,
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From: Barbara Nelli <barbara.nelli(a)univaq.it>
Date: Sun, Nov 12, 2023 at 11:18 AM
Subject: European School of Differential Geometry: Granada June 24th to
Jully 5th , 2024.
To: Barbara Nelli <barbara.nelli(a)univaq.it>
Dear Colleague,
as a board member, I am pleased to inform you about the European School of
Differential Geometry
that will be held in Granada (Spain) from June 24th to Jully 5th , 2024.
The ESDG has been approved as a Satellite Event of the ECM2024-Sevilla.
The realization of this type of event is essential to maintain the vitality
of Differential Geometry in Europe. The ESDG target audience is focused on
young researchers, as well as Master and Doctoral students involved in the
area of Differential Geometry. The ESDG will encourage the cohesion of the
different research groups in Europe, having significant effects on the
development of Mathematics on the continent. The idea is to create a solid
and resilient event, with a clear projection in the future. The ESDG will
take place every two years, each occasion in a European country.
Students attending the school will have the opportunity to apply for
scholarships. All the information will be available in the school webpage.
Please do not hesitate to ask for additional information.
I would be grateful if you could actively promote the school to attract as
many participants as possible.
Barbara Nelli
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Da: Francesco Bonsante <bonfra07(a)unipv.it>
Date: Mer 8 Nov 2023, 09:39
Subject: Post-doc in Pavia
To: Francesco Bonsante <francesco.bonsante(a)unipv.it>
Dear colleague,
I would like to advertise a one-year post-doc position here in Pavia under
my supervision.
The position is supported by PRIN project “Geometry and topology of
The theme of the research is “Geometric structures and surface group
The call can be found here
The deadline is *December 7, 2023 at 12:00 (local time)*. Unfortunately the
call is only in Italian, but I can be contacted for any information.
In principle the post-doc should start in April, but there is some
flexibility to postpone the beginning of some months.
Please forward this announcement to potentially interested candidates.
Best regards,
Carə tuttə,
Giovedì 9 Novembre alle 14.30 in Aula Seminari si terrà il seminario di Hironobu Naoe (Chuo University) dal titolo "Shadow-complexity and trisection genus". Di seguito l'abstract.
A shadow of a closed 4-manifold is a 2-complex suitably embedded in the 4-manifold, which can be treated as a combinatorial description of 4-manifolds. An invariant, called the shadow-complexity, of 4-manifolds is defined by counting certain vertices in shadows. On the other hand, a trisection is a decomposition of a 4-manifold into three handlebodies, and the intersection of the three handlebodies forms an orientable surface called the trisection surface. The trisection genus of a 4-manifold is defined as the minimum genus of all trisection surfaces. In this talk, we introduce a refined version of the shadow-complexity and give an inequality between the complexity and the trisection genus. Furthermore, we determine the complexity we introduced for some 4-manifolds. This is joint work with Masaki Ogawa.
Ci troveremo alle 13 in atrio per andare a pranzo con Hironobu.
Le informazioni sui prossimi seminari si trovano sul sito<https://www.dm.unipi.it/categoria-evento/geometry-seminar/>.
Vi aspettiamo!
Buona giornata,
Filippo, Giovanni e Giuseppe