Vi annunciamo il seminario di geometria di domani. Ricordiamo che l'elenco completo dei seminari si trova a questa pagina<https://www.dm.unipi.it/categoria-evento/geometry-seminar/>.
A presto,
Filippo, Alice e Giuseppe
30-Mar-2023 - 11:00
Sala Seminari (Dip. Matematica)
Linear programming for hyperbolic surfaces
Bram Petri
IMJ Paris
I will speak about extremal problems in the (spectral) geometry of hyperbolic surfaces and how linear programming methods based on the Selberg trace formula can help. I will not assume any familiarity with hyperbolic geometry or the Selberg trace formula. This is joint work with Maxime Fortier Bourque.
Inoltro info su summer school
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Erwan Brugallé <Erwan.Brugalle(a)math.cnrs.fr>
Date: Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 7:32 AM
Subject: Summer school "Involutions in algebraic geometry and gauge
theory", Nantes Université, 2023 May 30-June 2
To: Marco GOLLA <Marco.Golla(a)univ-nantes.fr>, Erwan Brugallé <
# Second announcement
Dear colleagues,
We are organising a summer school on "Involutions in algebraic geometry
and gauge theory" at the University of Nantes (May 30-June 2, 2023).
There will be two mini-courses, one by Matilde Manzaroli (Tübingen
University) on real algebraic curves and one by Christopher Scaduto
(University of Miami) on 4-manifolds and involutions. We expect to have
some contributed talks by young participants. Master students are
particularly encouraged to apply.
The schedule will be pretty light, in order to allow the participants
ample time to work on the material covered in the lectures. Some
familiarity with knot theory and with (very basic) complex projective
geometry will be assumed.
You can find more information on the webpage of the school:
The registration page is here:
and the registration deadline is March 30, 2022.
Could you pass this information on to any PhD student/postdoc/motivated
Master student who might be interested in attending? Limited funding is
available for Master students and for contributed speakers. However,
should funding be an insurmountable issue, do ask them to get in touch
(math.summer-school (at) univ-nantes.fr).
Thank you!
The organisers,
Erwan Brugallé and Marco Golla
Inoltro un avviso riguardante i prossimi seminari di geometria, che per
qualche motivo tecnico non è comparso nella mailing list.
Ne approfitto per ringraziare gli organizzatori.
Carə tuttə,
Siamo felici di annunciare che dal 30 marzo ripartiranno i Seminari di
geometria. Per questo semestre, i talk si terranno il giovedì mattina alle
11.00 in Aula Seminari. I primi incontri saranno i seguenti:
30 Marzo - *Bram Petri* (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu), *Linear
programming for hyperbolic surfaces*
06 Aprile - *Antonio Alfieri* (Université du Québec à Montréal), *TBA*
13 Aprile - *Raphael Zentner* (Durham University),* TBA*
Maggiori informazioni saranno caricate sulla pagina del dipartimento
Vi aspettiamo!
Alice Merz
Filippo Bianchi
Giuseppe Bargagnati