Carə tuttə,
Giovedì 28 Settembre alle 14.30 in Aula Seminari si terrà il seminario di Ken Baker (University of Miami) dal titolo "Handle numbers of knots and sutured manifolds". Di seguito l'abstract.
The handle number, or Morse-Novikov number, of a knot counts the minimum number of handles needed for a circular Heegaard splitting of its exterior. It may be viewed as a measure of distance from fiberedness. The rank of the top groups of the instanton and Heegaard knot Floer homologies also provide another measure. Here we show that the nearly fibered knots of the Floer sense due to Li-Ye and Baldwin-Sivek are not always nearly fibered in the handle number sense. In the process we also provide conditions for knots to have unique incompressible Seifert surfaces and show that some Floer nearly-fibered knots have incompressible Seifert surfaces of non-minimal genus.
Mercoledì 27 Settembre alle 14.30 in Aula Riunioni, Ken terrà un pretalk sugli argomenti del seminario.
Le informazioni sui prossimi seminari si trovano sul sito<>.
Vi aspettiamo!
Buona giornata,
Filippo, Giovanni e Giuseppe
Dear all,
We are happy to announce the workshop CATA: *Combinatorial algebraic
topology and applications. *CATA is a two-days event that will be held at
Centro De Giorgi in Pisa the 27th and 28th, November 2023.
The workshop concerns various topics in combinatorics and algebraic
topology, as well as their applications to different fields, e.g. data
analysis, neural sciences and economics. The aim of the workshop is to
gather researchers with common interest in the above topics, and to create
an atmosphere of discussion, where to share ideas.
Leó Benard (Université de Aix-Marseille)
Celeste Damiani (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia)
Irakli Patchkoria (University of Aberdeen)
Simona Settepanella (Università di Torino)
Jason P. Smith (Nottingham Trent University)
Paolo Salvatore (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
Viola Siconolfi (Politecnico di Bari)
Jonathan Spreer (University of Sydney/TU Berlin)
Limited funding might be available to early registered participants. If
needed, please contact Luigi Caputi (luigi.caputi(a) or Carlo
Collari (carlo.collari(a)
The workshop also includes a poster session. Those interested in presenting
a poster should send an email to crm(a), including title and abstract,
for the evaluation by the Scientific Committee.
For more information visit the website:
Looking forward to seeing you in Pisa.
The organisers,
Luigi Caputi, Carlo Collari, and Paolo Lisca
Inoltro annuncio di bando per assegni di ricerca.
Paolo Lisca
Da: Filippo Bracci <fbracci(a)>
Inviato: sabato 16 settembre 2023 10:34
A: Filippo Bracci
Oggetto: assegni di ricerca a Tor Vergata
Carissime e carissimi,
è stato pubblicato il bando per 4 assegni di ricerca biennali di III fascia (circa 25.000 euro annui al netto degli oneri) su ogni area della Matematica legata la progetto di eccellenza del Dipartimento di Matematica di Roma “Tor Vergata":
la scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 14 ottobre 2023.
Vi prego di far circolare l’annuncio tra le persone potenzialmente interessate,
A presto
Prof. Filippo Bracci
Dipartimento di Matematica
Universita' di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1
00133 Roma - ITALIA
Tel: (+39-)06-7259 4643/4105
Fax: (+39-)06-7259 4699
E-mail: fbracci(a)
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: wagner(a) <wagner(a)>
Date: Sab 2 Set 2023, 10:00
Subject: [gdrtresses] WinterBraids XIII
To: gdrtresses(a) <gdrtresses(a)>
Winterbraids XIII --- second announcement
School on braids and low-dimensional topology
Montpellier, February 6-9 2024
Winterbraids XIII is the 13th edition of an itinerant school on braids
and low-dimensional topology, that will be held at Institut Montpelliérain
Alexander Grothendieck
(Montpellier) from February 6th to 9th, 2024.
The school consists on three 3-hours mini-courses and a special lecture:
* Asilata Bapat (ANU, Australia): Braids and stability conditions
* Marco Golla (Nantes, France): Surfaces in 4-manifolds
* Bram Petri (Sorbonne, France): Probabilistic methods in
hyperbolic geometry
* Vincent Pilaud (Polytechnique, France): Combinatorial geometry
These will be completed by short talks and a poster session devoted to
student presentations (not necessarily focused on braids or their
The school will be mainly supported by the Institut Montpelliérain Alexander
the Université de Montpellier, the GDR Tresses, the ETH Zürich, and the
European Commission.
The school will start on Tuesday morning and will end on Friday at
noon. Registrations are avaible online: (deadline 15 november)
For any queries, please contact the organizers at
Berenice Delcroix-Oger (Université de Montpellier)
Peter Feller (ETH, Zurich)
Vincent Florens (Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour)
Hoel Queffelec (Université de Montpellier)