Cari tutti,

vi ricordo che settimana prossima abbiamo due seminari dei Baby-Geometri che vi segnalo qui in seguito:

- Lunedì 9 Aprile alle 16:30 presso la Sala Seminari del
Dipartimento di Matematica si terrà il Seminario dei Baby-Geometri di
José Manuele Moreno-Fernandéz (Universidad de Málaga) dal titolo:

"Infinity structures and higher products in rational homotopy theory".

- Martedì 10 Aprile alle 9.30 presso la Sala Riunioni del
Dipartimento di Matematica si terrà il Seminario dei Baby-Geometri di
David Méndez (Universidad de Málaga) dal titolo:

"The problem of realizing groups of self-homotopy equivalences of A^2_n-polyhedra".


Di seguito riporto gli abstracts:

-José Manuele Moreno-Fernandéz, "Infinity structures and higher products in rational homotopy theory":

"The goal of this talk is to understand how L-infinity structures on the rational homotopy groups of a simply connected space behave with respect to the higher Whitehead products. To do so, I will give a self-contained introduction to the relevant facts of rational homotopy theory, via examples, computations and intuition.

If time permits, I will sketch how cohomology algebras over a field, endowed with an A-infinity algebra structure, behave with respect to the higher Massey products.

I will make the talk accessible for attendants with diverse backgrounds and minimal prerequisites, with interests in algebraic topology or homotopy theory broadly understood."

-David Méndez, "The problem of realizing groups of self-homotopy equivalences of A^2_n-polyhedra":

"In the fifties, Whitehead introduced a long exact sequence of abelian groups associated to simply connected spaces. He showed that these exact sequences could be used to classify homotopy types of simply-connected 4-dimensional topological spaces. More recently, Benkhalifa made use of these results to algebraically study in this context the group of self-homotopy equivalences of a space (homotopy clases of continuous self-maps of the space that have a homotopy inverse).

In this talk we introduce in detail this algebraic framework and show through some simple examples how these results can be used to study the group of self-homotopy equivalences in this context. I aim for this talk to be accessible to a broad audience with different backgrounds."


Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.

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Edoardo Fossati, Giulio Belletti e Marco Moraschini