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Giovedì 21 Dicembre alle 14.30 in Aula Seminari si terrà il seminario di Marco De Renzi (Université de Montpellier) dal titolo "Algebraic presentation of cobordisms and TQFTs". Di seguito l'abstract.

It has long been known that the category of 2-dimensional cobordisms is freely generated by a commutative Frobenius algebra, the circle. This result allows for a complete classification of TQFTs (Topological Quantum Field Theories) in dimension 2. In this talk I will discuss similar algebraic presentations in dimension 3 and 4 due to Bobtcheva and Piergallini. In both cases, the fundamental algebraic structures are provided by certain Hopf algebras called BPH algebras. I will also present examples of such algebras and the TQFTs they induce. This is a joint work with A. Beliakova, I. Bobtcheva, and R. Piergallini.

Ci troveremo alle 13 in atrio per andare a pranzo. 

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Vi aspettiamo! 
Buona giornata,

Filippo, Giovanni e Giuseppe