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il prossimo seminario di geometria algebrica e aritmetica di Pisa si terrà mercoledì 17 novembre alle 15:00 in Aula Magna.
Programma: ------------------
15:00--16:00 Camilla Felisetti (Trento): Topology of Lagrangian fibrations and P=W phenomena on irreducible symplectic varieties
Irreducible holomorphic symplectic (IHS) varieties can be thought as a generalization of hyperkähler manifolds allowing singularities. Among them we can find for example moduli spaces of sheaves on K3 and abelian surfaces, which have been recently shown to play a crucial role in nonabelian Hodge theory. After recalling the main features of IHS varieties, I will present several results concerning their intersection cohomology and the perverse filtration associated with a Lagrangian fibration, establishing a compact analogue of the celebrated P=W conjecture by de Cataldo, Hausel and Migliorini for varieties which admit a symplectic resolution. The talk is based on joint works with Mirko Mauri, Junliang Shen and Qizheng Yin.
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Migliori saluti, Tamás Szamuely