Carə tuttə,
Vi scrivo per annunciarvi che questo giovedì vi sarà un seminario in presenza per il ciclo di seminari "Seminario di Combinatoria, Teoria di Lie e Topologia” di Pisa. Il seminario si svolgerà in Aula Magna dalle 15 alle 16. L'oratore è Andrea Appel (Università di Parma).
Titolo: Generalized Schur-Weyl duality for quantum affine symmetric pairs and orientifold KLR algebras
Abstract: In the work of Kang, Kashiwara, and Kim, the Schur–Weyl duality between quantum affine algebras and affine Hecke algebras is extended to certain Khovanov-Lauda-Rouquier (KLR) algebras, whose defining com- binatorial datum is given by the poles of the normalized R–matrix on a set of representations. In this talk, I will describe a boundary version of this construction, providing a Schur–Weyl duality between quantum symmetric pairs of affine type and KLR algebras arising from a framed quiver with an involution. With respect to the Kang-Kashiwara-Kim construction, the extra combinatorial datum we take into account is given by the poles of the k–matrix (that is, a solution of the reflection equation) of the quantum symmetric pair. This is based on joint work in progress with T. Przezdziecki.
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