---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: Ciclo "Baby geometri" - promemoria seminario Alessio Carrega From: "simone calamai" simocala@gmail.com Date: Mon, February 18, 2013 9:06 am --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ciao a tutti,
vi ricordiamo che domani Martedi' 19 Febbraio, alle 11:30-12:30 in Sala Seminari, ci sarà il seminario dei baby-geometri:
- speaker: Alessio Carrega(Universita' di Pisa) - Titolo: Khovanov Homology
- Abstract: We start from the basic definitions of knot theory. Using the combinatorial approach with diagrams we define Khovanov homology: an invariant for oriented links that generalize Jones polynomial. We don't give all the details of the definitions, but we try to give an idea of the construction and some topological and categorial properties. We will finish talking about a variant for framed links that I have constructed.
(Dopo il seminario, offriremo un buffet di dolce e salato)