Dear colleagues,
The meeting "Braids and beyond / Tresses et perspectives, Conference
in memory of Patrick Dehornoy" that was planned for last September
will now take place from the 8th to the 10th of September 2021 at the
University of Caen. It will be hybrid, and participants will be able
to attend the meeting online. Depending on the situation with the
pandemic at the time of the meeting, it should also be possible for
some participants to take part in person, within the limit on the
number of places imposed by our university.
If you wish to attend the meeting, either virtually or online, please
fill in the registration form on the website of the meeting:
To avoid confusion, we will start the registration process from
scratch. In particular, if you registered for the meeting last year
and wish to attend, please re-register.
The list of speakers may also be found on the website. Please feel
free to circulate this message to anyone who may be interested. For
all inquiries, the contact address is: lmno.braids2020 at
Best wishes,
the Organising Committee
(Paolo Bellingeri, Eddy Godelle, John Guaschi, Victoria Lebed, Bernard
Leclerc, Gilbert Levitt, Friedrich Wehrung).