Ricevo e inoltro.
I would like to draw your attention to several PhD and PostDoc positions that we have available here at Utrecht University. The positions are associated to one of my research projects; the project is rooted in Poisson Geometry, but rapidly exceeds the boundaries of Poisson Geometry to neighboring areas. Therefore the need of man power with expertise in various parts of Geometry.
To be a bit more specific, I am looking for:
- PhD candidates with a good background in Differential Geometry/Topology. We have 2-3 such positions to be filled in 2015 or 2016. These are standard, 4 years PhD positions at Utrecht University.
- PostDoc candidates whose expertise comes with one of the following key-words: contact geometry, low-dimensional topology, K3 surfaces and Kahler geometry, hyperkahler geometry, Lefschetz fibrations (classical as well as variations, up to broken ones), open-book decompositions, symplectic geometry/topology, toric geometry, moment maps, geometric aspects of gerbes, integral affine geometry, nil and solv-manifolds, the standard conjectures from affine geometry (Auslander conjecture, Markus conjecture), foliations and leafwise geometric structures, G-structures and the geometry of PDEs. We have 2-3 such PhD positions, they are for 2-3 years and they come with very low teaching duties (if at all).
If you want to see more details, or you wonder how all these are related to each other (through Poisson geometry), you can find a more detailed description at: http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~crain101/positions
Can you please forward this information to anyone who may be interested? The deadline for applying if February 15, 2015 (in case that not all positions will be filled, there will be another round later in the year). More details, including the ones on how to apply, can be found at the same address: http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~crain101/positions
Thank you.
Best regards, Marius Crainic