Chiedo scusa per l’errore, il seminario è stamani alle 11.

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Da: Filippo Bianchi <>
Inviato: Thursday, April 13, 2023 10:25:52 AM
A: <>
Oggetto: [Geometria_pisa] Seminari di Geometria 13/4
Care tutte e cari tutti,

Vi ricordo che domani alle 11 in Aula Seminari si terrà il seminario di Raphael Zentner (Durham University) dal titolo "SL(2,C)-character varieties of knots and maps of degree 1 – Raphael Zentner (Durham University)", di cui riporto l'abstract

We ask to what extend the SL(2,C)-character variety of the 
fundamental group of the complement of a knot in S^3 determines the knot. Our methods use results from group theory, classical 3-manifold topology, but also geometric input in two ways: the geometrisation theorem for 3-manifolds, and instanton gauge theory. In particular this is connected to SU(2)-character varieties of two-component links, a topic where much less is known than in the case of knots. This is joint work with Michel Boileau, Teruaki Kitano, and Steven Sivek.

Vi aspettiamo! 
Buona serata,

Alice, Filippo e Giuseppe