Il seminario dei baby geometri di questa settimana si terrà domani Martedì 23 Aprile alle 14.30 in Aula Riunioni. Manousos Manouras (Université de Pau / Universidad de Zaragoza) parlerà di "Alexander type invariants of line arrangements". Di seguito l'abstract.
There have been various definitions of the Alexander invariants of a knot. Following some
of these definitions one can generalise them so as to have coefficients twisted by a linear
representation. The Alexander type invariants are known to detect non-trivial topological
information(genus, hyperbolic volume of a knot etc). The twisted Alexander polynomial was
introduced by Wada for knots and has been studied thereafter for more general manifolds
as the complement of algebraic curves or line arrangements. We will discuss the relation
of the twisted Alexander polynomial of the exterior manifold of a line arrangement and
the twisted Alexander polynomial of its boundary manifold. We will present how using
twisted Alexander polynomials induced by reducible representations, we can retract nontrivial
topological information.
We will also deal with the characteristic varieties of line arrangements, studied by various
authors such as Zariski, Libgober, Artal. The main problem is to understand if the characteristic
varieties are combinatorially determined in general. This is known to be true for their
”homogeneous part”, which corresponds to the resonance variety, as well as for the translated
components having dimension at least one, as they are determined by orbifold pencils.
This does not work in the same way for the 0-dimensional translated components. Here
we present examples such that the characteristic variety has some translated 0-dimensional
global component.