Segnalo due seminari nelle prossime settimane:
*Mercoledi' 15 maggio* ore 16:00 Aula Magna (Dip. Matematica) /On simple and quasi-simple rational polynomials/ Pierrette Cassou-Nogues (Universitè de Bordeaux) /Abstract:// / /This is a joint work in progress with Daniel Daigle. // //We will explain how to use combinatorial methods to classify simple and quasi-simple rational polynomials. // /
*Venerdi' 24 maggio* 14:30, Sala Riunioni (Dip. Matematica) /Derived categories of Burniat surfaces and exceptional collections/ Valery Alexeev (UGA) /Abstract: The derived category of a del Pezzo surface can be conveniently described by an exceptional sequence. We show that for Burniat surfaces, regular surfaces of general type which can be thought of as "fake del Pezzo surfaces of degree 6", the situation is roughly speaking the opposite. There exists an exceptional collection of maximal possible length which is completely rigid, and its semiorthogonal complement is a mysterious "quasi-phantom category" which contains all the information about the modulus of the surface. The main tool for the construction is understanding the Picard groups of Burniat surfaces. //
Rita /