---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Costantino francesco.costantino@math.univ-toulouse.fr Date: Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 10:23 PM Subject: [SPAM]Conference announcement To: Bruno Martelli bruno.martelli@unipi.it, Roberto Frigerio < roberto.frigerio@unipi.it>, Stefano Francaviglia < stefano.francaviglia@unibo.it>, Carlo Petronio carlo.petronio@unipi.it, Gabriele Mondello mondello@mat.uniroma1.it, Francesco Bonsante < bonfra07@unipv.it>
Dear all
We are organising a conference in honor of Vladimir Turaev:
Quantum Topology and Geometry
in Paris, Institut Henri Poincaré from 13t to 17th of June 2022.
You are warmly welcome to participate and promote this event.
The registration is open at
The deadline for registration is 30th of April (31th of march for demands of financial suport for students and post-docs).
The poster is attached to this email.
For information concerning the covid travel regulation in France please visit:
Our best wishes Alexis Virelizier, Christian Blanchet, Emmanuel Wagner, François Costantino and Nathan Geer