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purtroppo la situazione epidemiologica non permette di mantenere il nostro seminario previsto per mercoledì 28 ottobre in presenza. Davide Lombardo farà un seminario a una data ulteriore, mentre Laura Pertusi parlerà online (vedi infra).
Migliori saluti, Tamás Szamuely
Mercoledì 28 ottobre 2020
15:00--16:00 Laura Pertusi (Milano): Elliptic quintics on cubic fourfolds, O'Grady 10 and Lagrangian fibrations
In this talk we study certain moduli spaces of semistable objects in the Kuznetsov component of a cubic fourfold. We show that they admit a symplectic resolution M˜ which is a smooth projective hyperkaehler manifold deformation equivalent to the 10-dimensional example constructed by O'Grady. As a first application, we construct a birational model of M˜ which is a compactification of the twisted intermediate Jacobian of the cubic fourfold. Secondly, we show that M˜ is the MRC quotient of the main component of the Hilbert scheme of elliptic quintic curves in the cubic fourfold, as conjectured by Castravet. This is a joint work with Chunyi Li and Xiaolei Zhao.