Cari tutti,
vi ricordo che il seminario online di Burt Totaro spostato della settimana scorsa si terrà OGGI alle 18:00.
Mercoledì 24 alle 17:00 ci sarà un seminario di Tony Pantev. L'annuncio sarà mandato nei prossimi giorni.
Migliori saluti, Tamás Szamuely
Burt Totaro (Los Angeles): The Hilbert scheme of infinite affine space
I will discuss the Hilbert scheme of d points in affine n-space, with some examples. This space has many irreducible components for n at least 3 and is poorly understood. Nonetheless, in the limit where n goes to infinity, we show that the Hilbert scheme of d points in infinite affine space has a very simple homotopy type. In fact, it has the A^1-homotopy type of the infinite Grassmannian BGL(d-1). Many questions remain. (Joint with Marc Hoyois, Joachim Jelisiejew, Denis Nardin, Maria Yakerson.)