Carə tuttə,

Il seminario di geometria di questa settimana si terrà domani Martedì 23 Aprile alle 14.30 in Aula Riunioni. Isaac Sundberg (MPIM Bonn) parlerà di "Khovanov homology and surfaces in the 4-ball". Di seguito l'abstract.

It is difficult to detect differences between topological and smooth phenomena, so it was surprising when Rasmussen used a purely combinatorial theory, known as Khovanov homology, to obstruct the smooth sliceness of topologically slice knots. In this talk, we discuss another application of this homology theory: obstructing smooth isotopy of topologically isotopic surfaces in the 4-ball. We highlight recent results and give an idea of the construction for this obstruction.

Ci troveremo alle 13 in atrio per andare a pranzo con lə speaker.

Le informazioni sui prossimi seminari si trovano sul sito

Vi aspettiamo! 
Buona serata,

Filippo, Giovanni e Giuseppe