nelle prossime settimane il seminario di mercoledi' pomeriggio sara' dedicato ad un mini-corso su gruppi e invarianti quantistici, che sara' diviso in tre seminari:
* Mercoledi 13 giugno, ore 14.30 - 16 Bertrand Patureau, * Mercoledi 20 giugno, ore 14.30 - 16 Nathan Geer, * Giovedi 21 giugno, ore 14.30 - 16 Francesco Costantino.
Segue l'abstract del primo seminario. Siete ovviamente tutti invitati,
Bruno Martelli
SEMINARI DI GEOMETRIA 14:30-16:00, Sala Seminari (Dip. Matematica) Hopf algebras and tensor categories Bertrand Patureau (Université de Bretagne-Sud)
This is the first of three talks which will form altogether a short course in quantum groups and quantum invariants of knots and 3-manifolds. The second and third talk will be taken on 20/6 and 21/6 by Nathan Geer and Francois Costantino respectively. The following abstract is a summary of the first talk.
Reshetikhin, Turaev and Viro constructed 2+1-TQFTs from quantum groups. Conversely, we will try to motivate the study of tensor categories with pivotal structure from the general idea of TQFTs. These categories lead to the definition of pivotal Hopf algebras. We will see several examples including quantum groups
Dipartimento di Matematica Largo Pontecorvo 5 56127 Pisa, Italy
tel: ++39 050 2213 231 cell: ++39 328 9431177 url: www.dm.unipi.it/~martelli