Dear all,
We are happy to announce the workshop CATA: Combinatorial algebraic topology and applications. CATA is a two-days event that will be held at Centro De Giorgi in Pisa the 27th and 28th, November 2023.
workshop concerns various topics in combinatorics and algebraic
topology, as well as their applications to different fields, e.g. data
analysis, neural sciences and economics. The aim of the workshop is to
gather researchers with common interest in the above topics, and to
create an atmosphere of discussion, where to share ideas.
Leó Benard (Université de Aix-Marseille)
Celeste Damiani (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia)
Irakli Patchkoria (University of Aberdeen)
Simona Settepanella (Università di Torino)
Jason P. Smith (Nottingham Trent University)
Paolo Salvatore (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
Viola Siconolfi (Politecnico di Bari)
Jonathan Spreer (University of Sydney/TU Berlin)
Limited funding might be available to early registered participants.
If needed, please contact Luigi Caputi ( or Carlo Collari (
The workshop also includes a poster session. Those interested in presenting a poster should send an email to, including title and abstract, for the evaluation by the
Scientific Committee.
For more information visit the website:
Looking forward to seeing you in Pisa.
The organisers,
Luigi Caputi, Carlo Collari, and Paolo Lisca