Inoltro annuncio di scuola estiva
Paolo Lisca
FEBRUARY 28, 2022.
An ICTP Hybrid Meeting Organised in partnership with the Clay Mathematics Institute The conference is intended as an appreciation of the contributions of Tomasz Mrowka Geometry and Topology have seen spectacular recent developments, including the solution of
classical problems. As a consequence, the established picture of how various parts of these areas fit together
Applicants are expected to provide a recommendation letter from their PhD advisor.
Practical information (some of which is still preliminary at this point):
WHO CAN APPLY? PhD students with an interest in the topics covered by the summer school. During the application process, applicants will be able to state whether they are potentially interested in staying on for the conference the week after.
HOW ABOUT COVID AND REMOTE PARTICIPATION? We encourage in-person attendance. However, in view of current uncertainties, the summer school is designed as hybrid, and allows remote participation if necessary. Note that remote participants have to go through
the same application process as
in-person ones.
WHERE WILL PARTICIPANTS STAY? ICTP has on-campus housing that participants can book at a reasonable price.
HOW ABOUT REIMBURSEMENT FOR HOUSING AND TRAVEL? Our aim is to cover housing expenses for most or all participants during the summer school. Additionally, some summer school participants may receive support for housing during the conference (the week after
the summer school), and/or a contribution towards travel expenses. One of our funding sources is ICTP, which offers partial support for participants from developing countries (this is part of ICTP's mission of encouraging the worldwide development of mathematics
and physics). The Clay Foundation has awarded us a small amount of funding, for travel expenses of selected participants. Finally, we have a pending application for funding from the National Science Foundation, which if approved would provide additional resources
for a number of US-based graduate students.
Organizing committee:
Paul Feehan, Lenny Ng, Peter Ozsvath, Yongbin Ruan, Paul Seidel