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il prossimo seminario di geometria algebrica e aritmetica di Pisa si terrà mercoledì 2 marzo in Aula Magna del Dipartimento.
14:30--15:30 John Alexander Cruz Morales (Bogotà & Bonn): Towards a Dubrovin conjecture for Frobenius manifolds
In this talk we will report on ongoing work aiming to establish a Dubrovin conjecture for general Frobenius manifolds. The Dubrovin conjecture was formulated in 1998 (with a very precise statement in 2018) as a relation between the Frobenius manifold coming from the quantum cohomology of a Fano manifold X and the derived category of coherent sheaves of X. We will give some speculations about how to extend that relation to one between semisimple Frobenius manifolds and some categories. We will sketch the situation in a particular example (3-point Ising model).
15:45--16:45 Andrea Di Lorenzo (Berlin): Quadratic invariants of moduli of elliptic curves
The Chow ring of moduli of curves is an important invariant which is the subject of extensive investigations and conjectures, since Mumford first introduced the topic in his pioneering work. Chow-Witt groups are a recent refinement of the usual Chow group, and it is then a natural question to ask whether one can say something on the Chow-Witt groups of moduli of curves. In this talk, I would like to present a recent computation of the Chow-Witt ring of the moduli stack of smooth/stable elliptic curves and explain the meaning of the generators of these rings in terms of quadratic invariants of families of elliptic curves. Joint work with Lorenzo Mantovani. -----------------
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Migliori saluti, Tamás Szamuely