---------- Forwarded message --------- Da: Llosa, Claudio (IAG) claudio.llosa@kit.edu Date: Mar 7 Gen 2025, 18:50 Subject: Fw: Postdoc in Bilbao To: Bruno Martelli bruno.martelli@unipi.it
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute for Algebra and Geometry
JProf. Dr. Claudio Llosa Isenrich Juniorprofessor for Geometry
KIT Faculty of Mathematics Englerstraße 2 https://www.google.com/maps/search/Englerstra%C3%9Fe+2+%0D%0A76131+Karlsruhe,+Germany?entry=gmail&source=g 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany https://www.google.com/maps/search/Englerstra%C3%9Fe+2+%0D%0A76131+Karlsruhe,+Germany?entry=gmail&source=g
Phone: +49 721 608-43914 Email: claudio.llosa@kit.edu Website: https://www.math.kit.edu/iag2/~llosa/en
Registered office: Kaiserstraße 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany https://www.google.com/maps/search/Kaiserstra%C3%9Fe+12,+76131+Karlsruhe,+Germany?entry=gmail&source=g
KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association
------------------------------ *From:* geom-group-theory-request@lists.illinois.edu < geom-group-theory-request@lists.illinois.edu> on behalf of MONTSERRAT CASALS RUIZ montserrat.casals@ehu.eus *Sent:* Tuesday, January 7, 2025 9:20:44 AM *To:* geom-group-theory@lists.illinois.edu *Subject:* [geom-group-theory] Postdoc in Bilbao
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to advertise a *two-year postdoctoral *position in geometric group theory, based at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) in *Bilbao* and mentored by Montserrat Casals-Ruiz. The position comes with no compulsory teaching load, and there will be a possibility of obtaining additional funding to extend the contract through December 2027.
The starting date is negotiable, contingent on the candidate fulfilling the requirements set by the Spanish administration, although it should be no later than October 2025. The salary will be according to the Convenio colectivo de personal laboral docente e investigador de la UPV/EHU (approximately 38,000 euros, before tax).
This position is part of the project “Mapping class groups from above and from below”, funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), as a collaboration of Javier Aramayona (ICMAT), Montserrat Casals-Ruiz (Bilbao), Elia Fioravanti (KIT), Claudio Llosa-Isenrich (KIT), and Katrin Tent (Münster). There will be numerous opportunities for interactions with researchers based at the other three institutions.
Candidates with expertise related to the project themes are particularly encouraged to apply. These include, but are not limited to: right-angled Artin groups, actions on R-trees and cube complexes; mapping class groups; Burnside groups and small cancellation theory; and Kähler groups.
Interested candidates should submit a CV, a research statement (maximum 2 pages), and a cover letter to mafabproject@gmail.com using the subject "Postdoc MAFAB Bilbao", before *February 7, 2025*. Additionally, applicants may arrange for up to two referees to send recommendation letters directly to the same email address. Please note that we will not contact referees to request letters on behalf of the applicants.
For further information, please feel free to contact us informally per email.
Montse Casals-Ruiz