2 posizioni post-doc di un anno in geometria iperbolica a Neuchâtel (Svizzera)
Saluti, Stefano
-------- Messaggio Inoltrato -------- Oggetto: Job Vacancy - 1 year postdoctoral fellowships (Neuchatel, Switzerland) Data: Thu, 22 Jul 2021 17:52:47 +0200 Mittente: Alexander Kolpakov kolpakov.alexander@gmail.com A: Alexander Kolpakov kolpakov.alexander@gmail.com
Dear Colleague,
Please disseminate within your department.
Cheers, Sasha
*Job vacancy / Offre d'emploi*
*Contact: *Dr. Alexander Kolpakov, Université de Neuchâtel* * *e-mail: *kolpakov.alexander@gmail.com mailto:kolpakov.alexander@gmail.com *www: *https://sashakolpakov.wordpress.com/ https://sashakolpakov.wordpress.com/
Within the framework of the Swiss National Science Foundation project ``Higher-dimensional geometric and combinatorial structures'' *two Postdoctoral Fellowships are available*.
The earliest possible start is *September, 2021*. Each position has a duration of *one year *(and cannot be renewed). All candidates must hold a PhD degree or an equivalent.
The candidates will concentrate their research in the areas of *hyperbolic geometric, geometric topology, group theory, and their applications* (e.g. to problems in convex and polyhedral geometry, combinatorics, data science).
These positions carry a competitive salary of approximately *89'000 CHF per annum* (gross income). There is *no teaching load*: both positions are research-only.
The application should include a complete *curriculum vitae* and a succinct *statement of purpose* explaining candidate's academic background, achievements to date and research interests within the project.
Please *include the names and e-mail addresses of no more than two reference writers*. Your reference writers will be contacted at a later point in time, if necessary. There is no need to arrange for any reference letters to be sent in advance.
Preferably all applications *should be sent by e-mail* in order to receive timely consideration. *Please bind your application package as a single .pdf file.* Only selected candidates will be contacted.