Ricordo a tutti gli interessati che il prossimo seminario di geometria sarà tenuto da Alessio Di Prisa (SNS) e si terrà Martedì 26 Novembre alle ore 14:30 presso l’Aula Riunioni.
Allego titolo e abstract:
Titolo: On rational sliceness of negative amphichiral links.
We say that a link L in S3 is negative amphichiral if there exists an orientation-reversing diffeomorphism of S3 that sends every component of L to itself with the opposite orientation. If such a map can be chosen to be an involution, then the link is said to be strongly negative amphichiral. Kawauchi proved that every strongly negative amphichiral link is rationally slice, i.e. it bounds a disjoint collection of disks in a rational homology 4-ball. In this talk, we prove that every negative amphichiral link is rationally slice, extending the aforementioned work of Kawauchi. Our proof relies on a careful analysis of the JSJ decomposition of the link complement of negative amphichiral links. This is joint work in progress with Jaewon Lee (KAIST, Daejeon) and Oğuz Şavk (CNRS, Nantes).
A presto, Carlo e Filippo