Carə tuttə,
Il seminario di geometria della prossima settimana si terrà eccezionalmente domani Lunedì 15 Aprile alle 11.00 in Aula Magna. Marco Golla (Université de Nantes) parlerà di "Line arrangements with only triple points". Di seguito l'abstract.
Line arrangements are unions of lines in a (projective or affine) space over some field and they are studied from a combinatorial or algebro-geometrical standpoint. (Non-trivial) complex line arrangements always have at least a double or a triple point, a point where exactly two or three lines meet. Does there exist 13 lines in the complex projective plane that only meet at triple points? I will discuss some topological ideas around this question and higher-degree variants.
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Vi aspettiamo! Buona serata,
Filippo, Giovanni e Giuseppe