Title: Variation of stable birational type and bounds for complete intersections, Speaker(s): Johannes Nicaise, KU Leuven and Imperial College London, Date and time: 6 Apr 2022, 14:30 (Europe/Rome), Lecture series: Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry Seminar, Venue: Dipartimento di Matematica (Aula Magna).
You can access the full event here: https://events.dm.unipi.it/e/69
Abstract --------
This talk is based on joint work with John Christian Ottem. I will explain a generalization of results by Shinder on variation of stable birational types in degenerating families, and how this can be used to extend Schreieder's non-stable rationality bounds from hypersurfaces to complete intersections in characteristic zero. This technique yields new results already for complete intersections of quadrics.
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