Vi ricordo che il prossimo seminario di Geometria e Topologia sarà tenuto da Nicoletta Tardini e si terrà Giovedì 20 Febbraio alle ore 14:30 presso l'aula Riunioni.
Per gli interessati ad andare a pranzo con la speaker, l'appuntamento è in atrio alle 13:00.
Allego titolo e abstract
Titolo: Special Hermitian metrics on complex manifolds
Abstract: Kähler geometry lies at the intersection of complex geometry, Riemannian geometry and symplectic geometry. From the complex geometric point of view it is therefore natural to consider special non-Kähler Hermitian metrics on complex manifolds. Among them, pluriclosed metrics deserve particular attention. These metrics always exist on compact complex surfaces but the situation in higher dimension is very different. We will discuss several properties concerning these metrics also in relation with the Bismut connection having Kähler-like curvature. This is joint work with G. Barbaro and F. Pediconi
A presto,
Carlo e Filippo