---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: [Dottorandi] [Fwd: Ciclo "Baby geometri" - Promemoria del seminario di Andrea Seppi] From: "Maria Rosaria Pati" pati@mail.dm.unipi.it Date: Wed, May 15, 2013 7:24 am To: dottorandi@mail.dm.unipi.it --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ciao a tutti, vi ricordiamo che domani Giovedì 16 maggio, alle 12:00 in Sala Seminari, ci sarà il seminario dei baby-geometri:
- speaker: Andrea Seppi (Università di Pavia) - Titolo: Spherical three-dimensional orbifolds - Abstract: Orbifolds are, roughly speaking, a generalization of manifolds in which singular points are allowed. It is possible to define geometric structures on orbifolds and in particular spherical structures. In this talk I will introduce these notions and show how spherical orbifolds of dimension 3 can be described in an algebric way, through a classification of finite subgroups of SO(4), or in a geometric way, by introducing Seifert fibrations. I will consider several examples and obtain geometric information from the comparison of the two points of view.