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Giovedì 30 Novembre alle 14.30 in Aula Seminari si terrà il seminario di James Farre (Universität Heidelberg) dal titolo "Horospheres, Lipschitz maps, and laminations". Di seguito l'abstract.
Every horocycle in a closed hyperbolic surface is dense, which was proved by Hedlund in the 1940's. We study the behavior of horocycle orbit closures in Z-covers of closed surfaces, and obtain a fairly complete classification of their topology and geometry. The main tool is a solution of a surprisingly delicate geometric optimization problem: finding an optimal Lipschitz map to the circle in a given homotopy class and the associated lamination of maximal stretch. I will explain the relationship between these two problems, and if time permits, I will give a novel construction of optimal circle valued Lipschitz maps using the orthogeodesic foliation construction. This is joint work with Yair Minsky and Or Landesberg featuring joint work with Aaron Calderon.
Ci troveremo alle 13 in atrio per andare a pranzo con James.
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Vi aspettiamo! Buona giornata,
Filippo, Giovanni e Giuseppe