per questa settimana il seminario di geometria e' spostato a giovedi, ore 15. Siete tutti invitati.
GIOVEDI' 26 APRILE 2012 15:00-16:00, Sala Seminari (Dip. Matematica)
SEMINARI DI GEOMETRIA Exploring the landscape of 3-manifold triangulations Ben Burton (University of Queensland (Australia))
To enumerate all 3-manifold triangulations of a given size is a difficult but increasingly important problem in computational topology, and the resulting data sets give intriguing insights into problems that are still poorly understood. In the first part of this talk we describe enumeration algorithms, which draw on ideas from topology and combinatorics, and make use of fast data structures such as union-find and skip lists. In the second part we examine some surprising observations from these data sets, with implications for the computational complexity of decision problems in 3-manifold topology.