Annuncio un seminario di Leone Slavich che si terrà a Pavia, ma seguibile anche on line su Zoom (link in fondo alla mail) Bruno
Speaker: Leone Slavich Orario: mercoledì 9 febbraio alle 14:30
Titolo: Totally geodesic immersions of hyperbolic manifolds
Abstract: The study of totally geodesic immersions between (complete, finite-volume) hyperbolic manifolds is a classical problem in the field of hyperbolic geometry. There are two main approaches to this problem which often interplay with each other:
1) Given a hyperbolic manifold N, determine the hyperbolic manifolds in which N can be immersed geodesically; 2) Given a hyperbolic manifold, determine its totally geodesic immersed submanifolds.
We will show how it is possible to build totally geodesic immersed submanifolds in a hyperbolic manifold M using finite subgroups in the commensurator of M. We will call the subspaces arising from this construction "finite centralise subspaces" (or fc-subspaces) and use them to provide an arithmeticity criterion in terms of their finiteness/non-finiteness. In the case of arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds we will show how to characterise all totally geodesic immersions through the analysis of certain algebraic invariants: the adjoint trace field (which is an algebraic number field) and the ambient group (an algebraic group defined over the adjoint trace field).
Sara' possibile seguire anche il seminario online al seguente link zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83228812062 Meeting ID: 832 2881 2062 ...