Ricevo e inoltro. E' una posizione post-doc in topologia e geometria a Melbourne.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Craig David Hodgson craigdh@unimelb.edu.au Date: Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 11:43 AM Subject: research fellow in geometric topology position in Melbourne To: Craig David Hodgson craigdh@unimelb.edu.au Cc: Hyam Rubinstein h.rubinstein@ms.unimelb.edu.au, Stephan Tillmann tillmann@maths.usyd.edu.au
Dear Colleagues,
Could you please pass on the following to any students or others who might be interested? We are looking for someone to start in the middle of 2013; the exact starting date is quite flexible.
Best Regards,
Craig Hodgson, Hyam Rubinstein and Stephan Tillmann
Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Melbourne
Position no.: 0031009 Employment type: Full-time Fixed Term (Available for 3 years) Campus: Parkville
Salary: $75,404 - $80,939 p.a. plus employer superannuation contributions of 9%.
This postdoctoral position will conduct research on an Australian Research Council Discovery Project with the Chief Investigators Professor Hyam Rubinstein, Associate Professor Craig Hodgson, and Dr Stephan Tillmann (University of Sydney). The title of the project is “Triangulations in dimensions three and four: discrete and geometric structures”. It is administered by the Universities of Melbourne and Sydney and is funded for the three year period 2013-2015.
The successful applicant will undertake research in the areas of low dimensional topology and geometric structures, using techniques of triangulations and normal surfaces. Research will focus on building geometric structures explicitly by solving the hyperbolic gluing equations for triangulations and related topics of angle structures, triangulations and algorithms. Invariants from triangulations of 3-manifolds using quantum topology and triangulations of 4-manifolds will also be research topics.
The successful applicant will participate in all aspects of the project, will present research results at seminars and conferences, and will, as part of the research team, write scholarly papers for publication in academic journals. Regular visits to the University of Sydney are required to work with Dr Tillmann during the project. Applicants would be expected to have a PhD in mathematics. A publication record is expected in geometry and topology.
More information about the Department and the Geometry and Topology group is available at the website:http://www.ms.unimelb.edu.au
Closing date: 18 March 2013
For Position Description, Selection Criteria, and details of how to apply, please visit the website
and perform a Job Search with keyword 0031009.