Vi scrivo per ricordarvi che domani 16 Maggio, in Aula Seminari alle 14:30, Domenico Fiorenza (Sapienza Università di Roma) terrà il seminario dal titolo:
* Projective 2-representations of linear Lagrangian correspondences*
di cui riporto l'abstract:
As recently illustrated by Ludewig and Roos, second quantization of fermions, i.e., the algebraic construction associating with a quadratic vector space its Clifford algebra and to a Lagrangian relation its exterior algebra (the Fock module) is an anomalous functor with values in the 2-category of algebras, bimodules and bimodule morphisms, with anomaly given by determinant lines. This can be equivalently seen as a projective 2-representation of the category of Lagrangian relations. By analogy to what happens with projective representations of groups, this suggests that suitable 2-central extensions of the category of Lagrangian relations should lift this projective 2-representation to an actual, i.e., non-anomalous, 2-representation. This makes the generalized Lagrangian relations considered by Stolz and Teichner naturally appear. Based on joint work in progress with Chetan Vuppulury.
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