buon anno a tutti,
da domani ricominciamo con i seminari di geometria. Questo è il programma per il prossimo mese: i seminari sono organizzati da varie persone e le ringrazio tutte.
14-Jan-2015 - 16:00 - Sala Riunioni (Dip. Matematica) Leone Slavich Symmetries of hyperbolic 4-manifolds
21-Jan-2015 - 15:30 - Sala Riunioni (Dip. Matematica) Mauro Porta Seminario di geometria - Higher analytic stacks and GAGA theorems
22-Jan-2015 - 15:00 - Aula Magna (Dip. Matematica) Angelo Vistoli La figura e l’opera di Alexander Grothendieck
28-Jan-2015 - 16:00 - Sala Seminari (Dip. Matematica) Julien Korinman Decomposition of quantum representations into irreducible factors
Seguono più dettagli sul seminario di domani. a presto, Bruno
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Ora Inizio: 16:00 Ora Fine: 17:00 Aula: Sala Riunioni (Dip. Matematica) SEMINARI DI GEOMETRIA Relatore: Leone Slavich
We will introduce a construction which produces a family of arithmetic, non-compact hyperbolic 4-manifolds, such that every finite group G is realized as the symmetry group of some member of this family. This allows us to obtain asymptotic bounds which relate the order of a finite group G with the minimal volume of a hyperbolic 4-manifold realizing G as its symmetry group. The construction uses very accessible techniques: basic hyperbolic geometry on one hand, and the combinatorial properties of simplicial complexes on the other.