Vi segnalo ben tre seminari di geometria nei prossimi due giorni.
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Seguono le informazioni sui seminari:
05-Feb-2020 - 15:00 Aula Magna (Dip. Matematica) http://www.dm.unipi.it/webnew/it/aula/aula-magna-dip-matematica Curvatura e Theorema Egregium: un percorso storico intorno alle Disquisitiones Generales di Gauss http://www.dm.unipi.it/webnew/it/seminari/curvatura-e-theorema-egregium-un-percorso-storico-intorno-alle-disquisitiones-generales-di Alberto Cogliati
Il seminario si propone di descrivere alcune tappe fondamentali che hanno condotto Gauss alla redazione finale delle sue Disquisitiones Generales circa Superficies Curvas (1827). Saranno analizzate, in particolare, due dimostrazioni del teorema di invarianza della curvatura che Gauss fornì nel breve arco di un biennio (la prima risale al 1825 e fu pubblicata solo postuma; la seconda è quella che ritroviamo nelle stesse Disquisitiones). Il confronto di tali dimostrazioni ci consentirà di svolgere alcune considerazioni intorno alle scelte metodologiche dello stesso Gauss e più in generale intorno al dibattito, cruciale per comprendere alcuni aspetti dello sviluppo storico della Geometria Differenziale nel corso dell'Ottocento, sulla legittimità dell'impiego degli strumenti dell'Analisi per affrontare e risolvere questioni di natura geometrica.
05-Feb-2020 - 16:30 Sala Riunioni (Dip. Matematica) http://www.dm.unipi.it/webnew/it/aula/sala-riunioni-dip-matematica Integral Picard group of moduli of smooth curves and quasi-polarized K3 surfaces http://www.dm.unipi.it/webnew/it/seminari/integral-picard-group-moduli-smooth-curves-and-quasi-polarized-k3-surfaces Andrea Di Lorenzo
A celebrated result of Harer, Arbarello and Cornalba tells us that the integral Picard group of the moduli stack of smooth curves of fixed genus is freely generated by the class of the Hodge line bundle, at least over a characteristic zero ground field. So, what about positive characteristic?
On the other hand, the Picard group of the stack of smooth, quasi-polarized K3 surfaces of fixed degree behaves quite differently: O'Grady showed that its rank increases with the increasing of the degree of the quasi-polarization, and recently it has been proved that Noether-Lefschetz divisors generate the rational Picard group. Does the same result hold true for the integral Picard group?
In this talk I will present how equivariant intersection theory can shed some light on both these questions, at least in the case of low genus or low degree.
06-Feb-2020 - 16:15 Sala Seminari (Dip. Matematica) http://www.dm.unipi.it/webnew/it/aula/sala-seminari-dip-matematica Embedding hyperbolic manifolds http://www.dm.unipi.it/webnew/it/seminari/embedding-hyperbolic-manifolds Leone Slavich
A complete hyperbolic n-manifold geodesically embeds if it realized a totally geodesic embedded hypersurface in an (n+1)-hyperbolic manifold. On one hand, we know no general obstruction to the fact that a hyperbolic manifold of dimension n>2 embeds, but showing explicitly that it does is often difficult. Moreover, showing that a hyperbolic manifold embeds is sometimes a useful tool to construct hyperbolic manifolds with prescribed topological properties.
We will survey some results on embedding of hyperbolic manifolds which are based on arithmetic techniques and hold in all dimensions. These apply to many examples of arithmetic manifolds of simplest type, as well as to examples of non-arithmetic manifolds such as those constructed by Gromov and Piatetski-Shapiro. This proves that the growth rate, with respect to volume V, of commensurabilty classes of hyperbolic manifolds having a geodesically embedding representative of volume <V is super-exponential.
This is joint work with Alexander Kolpakov and Stefano Riolo.