Carə tuttə,
Vi invitiamo al seminario dei Baby Geometri della prossima settimana:
Martedì 26 Novembre 2024, alle ore 11:30
Presso l’Aula Bianchi Lettere del Palazzo della Carovana
Sofia Amontoia (Université de Genève)
terrà un seminario dal titolo:
Cohomologically flavoured invariants for representations
di cui riporto l'abstract:
Consider the set of representations of Hom(π1(M),G) for M some manifold and G an interesting Lie group. How can their nature be understood? An approach for a classification of these was kickstarted by Goldman in the 80s leading to the emergence of Higher Teichmueller theory, nowadays an actively growing field. In the talk we shall outline the essence of this approach where the so-called Toledo invariant takes a central role. Then, realizing that the Toledo invariant is actually a cohomological invariant, is the point of view that allows to generalize aspects of Goldman's classification. If time permits, we shall briefly discuss how bounded cohomology comes into play and proves to be a powerful tool.
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Tutte le persone interessate sono invitate a partecipare.
A presto,
Elena, Pietro, Alessio, Giovanni, Ervin