Ricevo e inoltro,
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 18:28:27 +0200 From: louis.funar@ujf-grenoble.fr To: gdrtresses@listes.math.cnrs.fr Subject: [gdrtresses] One year post-doctoral position in Grenoble
One year post-doctoral position at Universite of Grenoble (France) starting September/October 2015, supported by European Research Council (ERC)
• Institution: Universite de Grenoble (France) • Department : Institut Fourier http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/ • Contact: Professor Gerard Besson • Employer Type : Academic • Position Type : Post-Doctorate • Subject Area : Mathematics • Geographic Location : Grenoble, France • Position Description : 12 months Post-doctoral position • Teaching load : none • Salary: about 30 000 Euros net salary per year
Please read carefully the text below
Applicants should be working in the following areas: geometry, geometric flows, low dimensional topology. An interest in the study of the geometry of open 3-manifolds will be appreciated. The postdoc will devote most of his time to research, and will participate to the department activities. Teaching a graduate course may be asked to the postdoc. In addition to his salary, the post-doc will be eligible for additional travel and equipment funding from the grant resources. Finally, French language courses may be provided to the post- doctoral fellow if necessary.
Applicants are expected to have graduated with a Ph.D. or equivalent doctoral program by the end of August 2015. Applicants who have graduated before September 2009 are not eligible. For further information, please contact one of the two persons below:
• Geraldine Rahal at Geraldine.Rahal@ujf-grenoble.fr • Gerard Besson at G.Besson@ujf-grenoble.fr
Your application should contain:
1. a vitae containing basic data including your birthdate, your citizen- ship, and present country of residence 2. a list of publications together with the links to the publications 3. a cover letter explaining why you would like to visit Grenoble, and why you think your application should be considered for this specific position 4. a short (2/3 pages) description of your past research 5. a short (2/3 pages) research project 6. one letter of recommendation
The above items should be sent by e-mail with Getom in the subject line to the 2 addresses Geraldine.Rahal@ujf-grenoble.fr, G.Besson@ujf- grenoble.fr.
Your application should be received at the latest on June 27th 2015. The candidates will be informed as soon as possible.
scusandomi per eventuali invii duplicati, vi sarei grato se poteste diffondere l’annuncio allegato a chiunque possa essere interessato.
Ciao e grazie, Marco
****************************************************** POST-DOC FELLOWSHIP IN PISA
A 18-month postdoc position, with a good salary and no teaching load, is available at the Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, Italy, starting from September 1st, 2015.
The position is open to anybody interested in holomorphic dynamics (both discrete and continuous), complex analysis and/or geometric function theory in several complex variables.
The link with the call and instructions for applying (both in English and in Italian) is
http://www.unipi.it/ateneo/bandi/assegni/2015/matemati/04072015/index.htm http://www.unipi.it/ateneo/bandi/assegni/2015/matemati/04072015/index.htm
The deadline for application is Monday, July 20, 2015, but since the interviews will be held (in person or via Skype) on July 24, the sooner the application is sent the better.
Possible applicants are kindly requested (to apply following the instructions in the call and) to inform both Jasmin Raissy (jraissy@math.univ-toulouse.fr mailto:jraissy@math.univ-toulouse.fr) and myself (marco.abate@unipi.it mailto:marco.abate@unipi.it) of their intention to apply, so that we can schedule the Skype interview, if necessary. They can also write to us for any question they might have about the call. Letters of recommendation are very welcome, and can be mailed to our addresses.
Best regards,
Marco Abate