---------- Forwarded message --------- From: wagner@imj-prg.fr wagner@imj-prg.fr Date: Fri, Jun 2, 2023 at 5:22 PM Subject: [gdrtresses] Post-doctoral Position Dijon To: gdrtresses@listes.math.cnrs.fr gdrtresses@listes.math.cnrs.fr
A one-year post-doctoral position at the Institute of Mathematics of Burgundy will be funded by the ANR for the ANR-T-ERC project "New Applications of Quantum Invariants to 3- and 4-dimensional Topology".
Applications displaying expertise in one or more of the following fields will be particularly appreciated: Quantum invariants, mapping class groups of surfaces, homology of configuration spaces, concordance, trisections, skein modules.
The deadline for applications will be June 30th 2024 and the contract can start between October 1st 2023 and January 1st 2024. Applicants must send a CV with a list of publications, a short summary of previous research and projects, and a cover letter to renaud.detcherry@u-bourgogne.fr For more information on the position, please visit the webpage: https://math.u-bourgogne.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/PostdocOffer.pdf